Introduction To Internet 

First: What is the Internet? 

The Internet is a global network of computers and servers connected to each other using different communication channels and protocols. 

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The Internet has provided tremendous possibilities for humanity to exchange information, experiences,data, present events and even future thoughts, it didn't stop here! Also, it has included IOT ( internet of things) which means machines can have their own networks of communication and data exchange too. 

To use Internet you only need a web browser and a computer connected to the network using standard protocols.whether you want to browse dynamic or static web pages, these web page are programmed with one of the common programming languages that your browser can convert into a web page, such as HTML.

Now to visit any web page on the Internet, you need to to enter the domain of the web page. ex: to visit google search engine web page.

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Any website you would like to browse on the Internet is actually electronic content that is hosted on a computer or a server connected to it. when you browse a website, communication channels will be open between your computer and the hosting server or computer and the data will be exchanged by standard protocols. 

Now to identify each computer, server and network on the Internet, we have two systems; the first one is called IP address which is a numeric system which consists of four unique groups of numbers, the second one is called DNS ( Domain Name System) which consists of unique words to access any website. 

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Introduction To Domains

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First : what is domain name ? 

Domain is unique name for a website location or address on the internet. To identify this address on the network the DNS ( Domain name system) translate the domain into IP Address. 

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Second : Applications of Domains: 

Domains can be used in website and email addresses. Each domain has an extension fpr ex : .com , .net , ,ae , .info ,etc

Third : Examples of Domains: 

 1- Domains used in website addresses : www.WebsiteName,com

2- Domains used in email addresses : Info@WebsiteName,com

Finally : wish me the Best ^_^